Tag Archives: Novel

Back at it (Finally)!

Logging into the admin site of the blog felt like opening an old, neglected storage shed. I could almost see dust motes dancing in the air as I browsed through pages, comments that I hadn’t checked on, posts I forgot I had posted. Damn, it’s really been over a year since my last post.

I live a fairly isolated life, so I can forget quite easily there are people in different corners of the world that are actually checking for my content. So lemme catch you all up on the goings on of the writer in the trenches. First and foremost, I finally finished the Pendulum Heroes series. Hold on… before you go checking Amazon for the fourth installment, finished writing it isn’t the same as finally published it! I’m still waiting on cover artwork, beta reader feedback, and making meaningful edits that will make this whole journey pop with resonance. No, I meant RESONANCE. Yes, the tone that just kinda echoes with completeness. Don’t worry, I’ll send notice when it’s live, since I’m actively active now and all.

That was the main reason for my absence. Investing that much time in a story is a far different cry than writing a flash piece. After three books, this thing had to finish right… I couldn’t just cliffhang characters in someplace awesome like the last books. The whole thing was riding on this wrap up. The ending’s critically important… anyone who still feels the sour taste left by the Game of Thrones ending knows what I’m talking about. So, I obsessed about my own series ending for months as I wrote and stalled and abandoned it to come back and write more.

I think the obsessing and self-derived pressure paid off. I love how it wraps up. And now that the heavy load of writing out a fantasy series has wrapped it’s probably a good time to return to the business of writing, to tell the world I wrote a thing and that I’m still out here. I’ve always been a bit neglectful of the business side of writing, preferring the actual writing over things like promo, making ad campaigns, sending out mailers, etc. Luckily, the blog’s like this nexus space where I’m just being me in between beats where I’m trying to make characters and plot threads renting a room in my head make better sense or getting the folks out there in the webz to know that I got juicy story content for them to check out.

I don’t even know if I updated the bibliography over here. While I was obsessing over FINAL BOOK I did move a short story or two. I’ll likely spend some time on it, letting you all know which stories out there are free to view and separating them by genre and things like that. Before now it was kinda of a running list/active count with me trying to collect new pro publishing sites as I show off my bona fides. The unintended consequence of having written out four novels is a sense that I’m kinda over proving the worth via publishing creds and I just want my previous works accessible.

Basically, what I’m saying is that after all the hard work that went into the series, it’s nice to be standing tall at the end of it. It feels like a new day breaking.

Your favorite writer in the trenches is out.

Finally effin’ done.


Filed under War Journals

The Pendulum War is HERE!

The title kinda says it all, right? Folks, I’m so happy that the third book of Pendulum Heroes is finally seeing the light of day. This novel took me a dog’s age to write only to be beset by the terrible production delays and setbacks that was 2020. Nevertheless, The Pendulum War is finally available for all of you wanting to see what comes next.

Since there’s not much else to say but I hope you check it out, as is my thing I like to show off the cover art, provided by the supremely talented Micaela Dawn.

Here’s the front:

And here’s the back:

And here’s the link to get The Pendulum War (digital only, print version coming in a day or two). Or if you haven’t gotten around to getting neck deep in adrenaline fueled fantasy adventure, here’s the link to start the series. Either way, I appreciate you riding with the writer in the trenches!

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Pendulum Shift is Live(ish)!

Mixed news, gang!  The digital copy of Pendulum Shift is now live!  Absolutely zero problem if you’re a tablet enthusiast with a penchant for fantasy adventure.  Just click here to go to the online bookstore of your choice.

But, uh, for those of you who enjoy the feel of paper pages turning in your hands, there’s gonna be a slight delay for the print edition. Amazon flagged it for slight format errors, small things I won’t bother you with here, but which once again made me pine for the yesteryear of CreateSpace.   Those errors are fixed but resubmitting for publication takes me back to the bottom of the queue.

Rest assured, sometime this weekend the print edition will LIVE! And as an added bonus for those who are willing to endure the wait, I’ve set up a Matchbook price to where if you get the print edition you can download the Kindle edition for free.

Back cover of the print edition. Not showing the words for those who want a completely spoiler free read of Pendulum Heroes.

Meanwhile, those of you who signed up for the newsletter know I was running a contest to give away an ARC paperback of Pendulum Shift.  The winner is a Goodreads user named Phil.  I was supposed to announce this yesterday but I was dealing with Amazon and waiting for him to get back to me.  Everything in its own time I guess.  Or is it can’t rush the slow taste?  Either way, things are happening as we speak.  Sorry for the delay… I didn’t realize Pendulum Shift was going to be this shifty!



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Pendulum Shift drops May 31! Bringing Contests and Giveaways with It!!

The next installment of the Pendulum Heroes series is around the corner. It feels like a long time coming, and I’ve had several readers pinging me to see what happens next, mostly in the form of “What about Rich?”  I’m not going to spoil anything here, but I will tell you the answer involves witches, vamp-beasts and cutthroat discounts for marble art.  No spoilers because the wait is *almost* over.  Pendulum Shift arrives May 31.

Some of you may have missed the start of it all, my debut novel Pendulum Heroes.  Well, to celebrate the arrival of book 2 and get you up to speed, I’m hosting a free giveaway weekend on Amazon.  If you’re signed up for Kindle Unlimited it’s already free, but for those of us who spent our KU membership money seeing Avengers Endgame (guilty!) you can still get it free from May 24 thru May 27.

And the book 2 celebration doesn’t stop there! Already read the highly rated (4.7 stars on Amazon!) Pendulum Heroes? Can’t wait for the second book? I got you too! You can win a free Advanced Reader Copy of Pendulum Shift before it’s publication date.  Just sign up for my newsletter and you’ll automatically be entered into my Chosen One Contest, where Destiny (i.e. a random number generator) will choose the lucky subscriber on May 23.  The ARC has a back and spine, which means more custom artwork featuring this handsome reject:


Sign up form for the newsletter is either at the top of the page or you can just click here. I’ll drop more updates as the contest and free weekend approaches as well a link to preorder the e-book (apparently Amazon isn’t keen on setting up preorders for paperbacks).

See you all in the trenches and on the other side of the portal.


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