The Dark Side of Inkitt

An hour before I posted about the Bright Side of Inkitt, I deleted my story from their site, and for reasons I haven’t seen anywhere else on the net.  I didn’t mind the impressions from others that they were spammy (as I still hadn’t seen any) or that I was essentially turning my novel into “previously published” and I still like the theory behind their model to predict bestsellers using algorithms.  I went from excited to disillusioned, which led me on an investigation where I became appalled.  It takes a minute to go through that kind of emotional range, so have a seat.  This is the story of an Inkitt user from November 2017 to January 2018.

The compelling draw to Inkitt outside of the analytics model was the novel contest they were hosting.  You had until the middle of December to upload your novel, where they’d make 100 copies available for download and the winners, as determined by their predictive engine, get book deals.  I was enthused about the contest and the limited release so I hit the bricks, announced my novel on my blog, mailing lists, Twitter and close to 30 Facebook groups.  I earned a pretty decent number of reads.  Check the graph.

Before I go further, I should explain what some of these terms are as defined by Inkitt.  See those little question marks over “Chapter Reads” and “Collected Data?”  Inkitt explains them in detail when you mouse over them.  While I think the full description’s worthwhile, for those who may have small screens I’m adding the TL;DR version below the screenshot

Chapter reads are when someone starts your story or continues reading the story, essentially any time someone reads it.

Collected Data is how much data they’ve collected.  When it gets full, they analyze the book and see if it’ll be a hit.

I have to admit it was addictive watching the reads go up.  But I noticed the Collected Data bar wasn’t filling very much.  I figured it was still early, so I focused on what Inkitt suggested which was blare it out to more readers.  Besides, I would only have to move a maximum of 100 units and eventually the chapter reads would fill the Collected Data bar.

Then they took away the 100 download limit, making views unlimited.  It felt like a breech of the contest conditions, you know, the reason I signed up for it.  I suspected the reason they took away the limit is because their algorithm needed more than 100 readers.  After all, what’s the point of making the free story unlimited when the sole purpose is to simply get enough data to discover if they want to sell it for profit?  By this time I had learned trying to get readers to use Inkitt’s interface was a fairly titanic affair.

Then they took away the contest entirely.  If you go to the site now, there’s no mention of a contest anywhere.  Posting your novel on Inkitt has become nebulous and undefined, a perpetual slush war with every other aspiring novel on the site.

So there were no download limits, no contest and no real progress on Collected Data and all this within the very limited scope of two months.  Disillusioned, I started crunching numbers based on what I saw in terms of chapter reads to collected data and by my calculations it would take approximately 8,250 chapter reads for the collected data bar to fill.  And since you can only read so much of a 30 chapter novel, more factoring led me to the conclusion that this would take moving about 275 copies of my novel.

At this point, I wanted a bit of confirmation on the numbers.  As evidenced by the “chapter reads” description picture, this site touts their engine and how Book A can have 500 reads and Book B could have 90 reads but they analyze the data and determine Book B is the better bestseller.  Meanwhile I had more reads than Book A and Book B combined and only a fraction of a fraction’s worth of Collected Data.  It felt like a scam.  So I emailed support.  This was the start of a dialogue that would last 10 days.

First I hit them with the numbers I had worked out with a very thorough explanation of how I arrived at those numbers.  The response was that it really did vary, they hit me with the same example of Book A and Book B, and how the internal algorithm’s looking at over 1200 different reading behaviors and to keep promoting.  Here’s what I said in response to that in brief:

While I won’t necessarily say that you’re talking around my question, it certainly feels that way.  I thoroughly read through the mission and theory that Inkitt outlines, especially how even though Book A garnered 100 downloads and Book B garnered only 30, Inkitt’s algorithms can look at reader behavior and analytically deem Book B a better bet as a bestseller.  It’s the chief reason I signed on for Inkitt, as I have minority hurdles in this business and don’t necessarily have a huge following.  Besides, it felt as if it reduced the potential to game the system.
Again, I don’t know if you’re talking around my questions or if it’s simply a matter of me not asking it right, so let me ask my two base questions as simply as I can.
1) Do the “chapter reads” directly fill the “Collected Data” bar?
2) Is the reason Inkitt lifted the 100 download limit on the contest because 100 copies doesn’t produce enough data to fill the “Collected Data” bar?
This was the reply:

For clarification, the chapter reads are not actually downloads. A chapter read is when a reader starts or continues a chapter, and it’s not unique users, so for example, one reader could be representative of 10 chapter reads.

To answer your two questions:

1) No, chapter reads do not directly fill the Collected Data bar.
2) No, because it’s about reader engagement, so it’s not necessarily about the number of copies. We removed the counter because we wanted to increase the opportunity for authors to spread the word to more readers. Keep in mind, most authors would add additional copies when their 100 from the copy counter had been taken, so it was initially meant to drive urgency.

Keep in mind I never said or assumed that a chapter read was the same thing as a reader or a download, but the big thing here is that customer service said in no uncertain terms that chapter reads do not directly fill the Collected Data bar.  I’m sure at this point you guys know my next question because it’s big and obvious.
If chapter reads don’t directly fill the Collected Data bar, then what does?”
This was Inkitt’s response:

Per the name, reader data is what fills up the bar, so the more reader data that is available for analysis, the better. So, while chapter reads do not necessarily represent unique readers, they can give you a good indication of the reach, especially if you see a high rate of growth.

Again, the key is to share the story as much as possible, so it has the best opportunity to reach new readers and discover its audience.

If these answers from Inkitt seem cagey to you, you’re not alone.  I’m not the kind of dude you can toss a word salad at and expect me to feel like I had a great meal of it.  So I unpacked my same question.
My question is what directly fills the Collected Data bar if not chapter reads?  I mean, Inkitt has yet to actually analyze the data using its 1200 point algorithm engine, it’s just collecting the data at this point.  If chapter reads, i.e. the number of times a reader starts or continues reading the story isn’t what’s filling up the collected data bar, then what is?
I’m providing the response for the sake of tracking the conversation more than any real useful information to be had.  Here it is:
Each story will pace differently, so the bar will just show how much reader data has been collected and how much more is needed. The reason I was saying it can vary with chapter reads is because a story could have 200 chapter reads and have a smaller bar than one with 60 chapter reads, for example. Since it’s based on reader engagement, our algorithm is the one making a determination regarding that. It’s hard to provide an accurate response since it will always vary from book to book.
I think the objective by this time was to frustrate me away.  What Inkitt failed to realize is that I’ve been married for 20 years and I have a cat.  I threw out most of the filler and asked this:
So let me get this straight, you’re saying if a reader reads the story fast, it fills the Collected Data bar faster than if a reader reads the story slowly?
I figured this was it, as Inkitt’s founder  said as much in TechCrunch when he said, “If they start reading and stay up all night to continue reading, if they use every break during the day to continue reading your story, we look at this reader behaviour in order to see if a book is good or not good.”  But the response from Inkitt support surprised me.
Pardon the confusion, as that was not what I was saying. I was saying that every story paces differently regarding its progress, and since it’s about reader engagement, it’s always going to vary from book to book.
I really chewed on this and everything else, all the negative response to what this thing is.  And I had a soylent green moment.  This was my next question:
So, chapter reads don’t inherently fill the bar.  Neither does reader engagement in the sense of how fast/slow they read the book.  I thought a bit about what you say in terms of reader engagement and the reader data collected.  Are you saying that the more data you collect about the actual reader of the novel (such as a fully complete bio on inkitt) fills the Collected Data bar faster than someone with a bare bones profile of just a username/email login?  I mean, that would make sense because it’s very difficult to apply 1200 individual points of data just on how fast or slow someone clicks through a book.  But collecting data on the reader allows the algorithm to create reader profiles of sorts and determine how the book would work with the world at large.
Is this how the Collected Data bar fills, based on readers engaging with the site in a meaningful way for Inkitt to collect data on who the reader is?
Here was Inkitt’s response:
It would not be based on someone who decides to fill out a profile more than another person, but I think you’re somewhat on the right path regarding reader engagement, though we may be getting into proprietary information, so I’m not sure if I’ll necessarily be able to provide more at this point.
 You guys see where I’m going?  I was on the right track when it comes to thinking about what reader engagement was, but it didn’t necessarily have to do with profiles on Inkitt.  I want you guys to look at the sign in screen for Inkitt, the methodologies employed, and have your own soylent green moment.
While I can’t get a confirmation because it’s “proprietary” I highly suspect the Collected Data isn’t about how someone’s reading as much as WHO is reading.  Signing in with Google and Facebook allows Inkitt to request data from these sites about you; your birthday, friends list, employment, an exhausting amount of data about who you are.  Again, this is just my suspicion, but with that suspicion in mind everything makes perfect sense in the following ways.  Chapter reads do not directly fill the collected data bar because they’re not focused on the reads as much as who’s reading.  If most of your readers signed onto the site with a bare bones username/password, that bar, like my bar, won’t move much despite the number of reads because, while they can still collect the same amount of data on HOW someone’s reading, they can’t collect enough data on WHO’s reading.  I don’t care how nitpicky you are, there’s no way to apply 1200 individual points of data on how fast someone’s clicking through an ebook.  Besides, adults have lives… work and children with after school practices and dinners to cook and bills to pay… most of us don’t have time to speed through a novel with abandon but this is what they say they’re looking for even though that’s not an especially telling indicator of a bestseller in this current age of distraction.  What is a better indicator of a bestseller is market penetration, i.e. how many different markets can this book reach and one of the best indicators is demographics.  Are you black, living in New York and like the book?  Hispanic and 35? Male? Female? What’s your job?  When do you take breaks (after all, can’t know if you’re reading a book during your break if we don’t know you have a job and when you take breaks)? Do you have a lot of friends? Few friends?  Did you recommend the book to them?  It makes sense to discover everything about the reader, inspect and dissect it in 1200 individual ways to gauge how successful a book can be across several spectrums.
Again, this is just my suspicion.  And to be fair, I’m going to post the final exchange I had with Inkitt so you can hear what they had to say.  This is me, telling them what I thought they were doing:
It sounds like Inkitt is data mining the people who sign up on the site and the reason the Collected Data bar fills differently based on the reader is because different readers have varying levels of data to mine based on their Facebook and Google privacy settings i.e. how active they are on social media and other publicly accessible sites.  While this isn’t inherently proprietary information, as it doesn’t go into the data points of the algorithm, I suspect it’s a prickly enough subject for you to not want to comment on.  So I actually don’t have any further questions outside of “Would you like to comment on this?”
 I actually didn’t expect a comment back but I guess that’d be too damning.   Here’s what Inkitt said in response.  Keep in mind they are fans of word salad:
The Collected Data bar is only based on our platform and is still just tied to the reader behavior on our app and website.  There might not be more information I can provide beyond that, but if you still have questions, please let us know.
I’m pretty sure that signing in with Google or Facebook is a reader behavior tied to their site.  You can be your own judge of what this says.  You already know how I judged it.  Of course I can be totally wrong.  And even if I’m right, perhaps it’s not a big deal to most people.  I do not fall in that category, as I believe sharing information with another party should be a clearly communicated choice.  There’s a huge difference to me from just feeling let down by a sales pitch where I find out instead of 800 chapter reads I have to actually get 8000 to telling friends and long time followers and people who just discovered me to check out my work by going to this site and possibly signing up for more than they asked for or wanted.   It was important enough for me based on those suspicions to delete my novel from the site and to issue an apology to anyone who went to Inkitt on my behalf.
I’m sorry folks.
I tried to provide the best possible full spectrum look of Inkitt in the few months time I used it.  I hope you look at both this and the post about the bright side and make your own determination, as either a writer or a reader.
See y’all in the trenches.
UPDATE: Inkitt has seemingly changed their practice, moving away from predictive analytics to determine bestsellers to focus on a reading app.  It’s still not all good in the trenches.  You can check out the latest development here.


Filed under Intelligence Reports

38 responses to “The Dark Side of Inkitt

  1. Jamie

    This whole situation sucks, but I had to say, I love this line: “I think the objective by this time was to frustrate me away. What Inkitt failed to realize is that I’ve been married for 20 years and I have a cat.”

  2. Alex Shvartsman

    I’m a lot more cavalier with my personal data (for the value of personal = what’s shared on my social media accounts) because I enjoy services like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, etc. all for free, and realize that Big Data is what makes them free in the first place. If those companies weren’t able to collect data, they’d have to find some other way to monetize the services, perhaps by charging me actual dollars.Which is to say, I don’t have a problem with what Inkitt is doing as a -reader.-

    As a writer however, I would not work with them; there are way too many red flags. Changing the rules on you and others after you’ve invested time and energy to try and succeed under a defined set of parameters isn’t cool at all.

    • I agree somewhat in that I don’t mind Inkitt mining data (if that’s what they’re doing) as long as they clearly communicate it to the reader as opposed to saying their simply analyzing reading behavior

  3. Thanks for this post, James. I’m sorry you had to take your novel down, but with this many red flags I’d have done the same. Using writers to data-mine readers? Not okay. 😦

  4. Philip MacKim

    Great information as always, thanks for what you do. Pendulum Heroes is a really good book (probably even better now than when I read it on critters a few years back) — it deserves better than a data mining scheme!


  5. Pingback: The Grand Inkitt Scam | Enchoseon

  6. I quit Inkitt for similar reasons, but also because it seemed to me that the novels which were doing inexplicably well were teenage fantasies migrated across from Wattpad. Just look up an Inkitt novel on Amazon and read the reviews; you’ll see five start reviews that look like they were written by twelve year olds, and one and two start reviews which all say the same thing – “Juvenile”. I don’t know about their algorithm, but it doesn’t let the cream rise to the top, that’s for sure. I found a few things by people who could write worth a damn, but none of them were ranking very high for some reason.

    Also, their claim to have 22 bestsellers is based totally on them issuing hundreds of Advanced Reader Copies (again, you can look at the Amazon reviews to confirm this, many of the reviews state it) which could be claimed within a particular timeframe, thus artificially boosting the book’s position without actually making genuine sales.

    In short, Inkitt is not so much a scam as a nonsense.

    • Oli, I’ve gotten a lot of traffic recently looking at this page. Makes me think more and more people are getting disillusioned by Inkitt’s practices!

      • Anonymous

        It is absolutely still happening – I just removed my novels from the site this morning. I appreciate you posting to make people aware.
        Unfortunately, there’s no option to post pictures on here but I too have screenshots of my analytics and after only 7 days had over 10,000 copies downloaded when my books disappeared from the headings. When I enquired, the responses were very vague and truly did not answer my question. I have now moved my novels to Wattpad. Although, a good point was made in my research. If it’s discovered that your book already carries a copyright – you’re of no use to them and they will not support your novel with free promotion on their site. Not saying they will remove it, it will remain in their database but it will no longer appear under relevant headings.
        SJ Turner Stories

        • It’s unfortunate to hear this janky behavior is still present. 10k downloads and it not be heralded as the next Inkitt bestseller seems crazy to me. I’m glad you found my warning and I wish you nothing but success on Wattpad!

          • alima

            any idea of inketts readers royalty program? i have just been offered to get payed by them if i put up my book on the app, they had originally contacted me from my book on wattpad, but i am wary since ive been reading all these negative articles about Inkett. what do you think i should do?

          • Alima, you are within reason to be wary. I originally signed onto Inkitt because of a contest that they changed the terms of out of nowhere. If you have a contract defining all the terms than that’s enforceable. If they’re saying “put your book on this program. You can make loads of money, it’ll be great!” I’d strongly recommend against it. If you’d like to discuss in more detail, feel free to send me an email using the Contact page!

  7. Pingback: Are Inkitt Bestsellers Really Selling? | fictigristle

  8. Pingback: The Grand Inkitt Scam

  9. That is definitely weird. Can I ask: Do you know if Wattpad does the same?

    • I’m not sure what you mean. Collecting data or changing terms on you without warning? I guess it doesn’t really matter… I’ve never used Wattpad so I am definitely not a user with expertise to offer. The best I can offer is any site that allows you to login with Facebook and Google are able to collect data from those sites, and from what I’ve seen from this trend it’s only growing more prevalent. I hope that helped in some small way.

  10. adminandastan

    Great article my friend! Very insightful and a breaker! What I really don’t get, and I am sure many of us writers don’t, is the following:
    Alright, we need readers. OK. But, if you offer me a platform (doesn’t matter which one: Inkitt, Wattpad etc.), and I’m attracted to it, it means that I don’t have a readership base yet, and want to reach one. We all (writers) have already tried, before pitching to such platforms, to promote our book/story, on social media, but failed to get attention to someone give it a try, not because the story is bad or something, but social media, nowadays, doesn’t help at all. So, my point is, that an author/writer, looks for such platforms, ready to give part or a complete version of his/craft, with the idea in mind to get readership. Yet, they all say: share and get attention to your story and then we’ll see about it, at some point in the centuries to come (maybe). Well, if I am still the one to look for readers and to engage into such time consuming activity, why the hell do I need your platform? I mean, I’m doing the same as if I already have my own website with free chapters on it to present my story, why should I do it on your platform? What should we all understand as writers/authors? That the only people on those platform is us writers, pleading to one another to read as a favor, to raise those bars up? Where are readers only? Huh? I might be wrong, but all I see on Wattpad, for example, are writers, trying to make a read for read. If you look at their profile, they are writers, having work in progress or already completed works. I think that only 1% of the entire user base of such platforms are pure readers. So, if I am to find myself readers, why should I go through a platform like that? What’s the reason? To enlarge their stories base and develop their company? I really have second thoughts about this. As I said, most of us look for such platforms with first thought and purpose to get readership. And if there would be more to it, that’s great. But if you as such a platform can’t deliver that for me, and I, the writer/author have to do that still, then, why bother at all. I can do that for me, on my own website, free or paid by me, and the results may be better. I don’t know, just a thought with all my post here, because us writers really have no support at all. I have started a campaign on my Twitter these days, and using my podcast show AndaStanTalks, my website and YouTube channel, to help writers get reads and sales. This is what we all need, support. If we are to get ourselves into reaching out everywhere on our own, then these platforms are really useless. Find our god damn readers and we are in! That’s why us writers give these platforms a try! Not to go and search for readers ourselves! We are doing these compromises, involving with such platforms exactly because we need READERS! We couldn’t find them on social media on our own, that’s why we approached these kind of platforms! And that’s that! Who’s with me?! Kisses and hugs and love to all writers and authors! You’re awesome people and you deserve your voices to be heard, valued and appreciated! Cause we are doing great efforts to write, because of passion, nowadays, and our work and value is underappreciated and underestimated. Blessings 🙂 ❤

    • Anonymous

      Whoa. That’s how I feel as a writer —unappreciated, I use inkitt & wattpad, but it feels hard trying to find readers. What you are saying is really true. Please help me out, I am a 16 year old author, how do I get readers? Even if it is just 100 who are loyal 😭

      • I wish there was a magic formula but there isn’t. But use the Contact Me section and send me a note if you’d like to talk more. Either way, I wish you well on your journey

  11. Reblogged this on Ink for Viola and commented:
    Very worth knowing…

  12. I, too, write & publish on Inkitt (48 stories, posted at this point). I’ve been with Inkitt for about 3 years now, & i’m pretty satisfied with the site’s logistics of publishing, plus the interface of the eBooks themselves look more like a book (as in, don’t have the clunky tools during the reading like another site I use!). But it’s been very interesting & educational to read your experience & investigation.
    ~Joseth Moore, SciFi & Paranormal author.

    • I’m not entirely sure what you mean by Inkitt’s logistics of publishing, but I know from experience that Draft2Digital is hands down a much easier, functional and user-friendly interface for converting a raw Word document into a fully formatted book… and not just an e-book, but it will also convert that doc into a print book–gutter margins and everything. That said, I’m always interested in hearing about other people’s experience and I’m curious to talk to you more about your perspective with Inkitt. Feel free to get in touch with me using my Contact Me page if you’d like to talk more. (

  13. Pingback: A New Face for Inkitt, a New Reason for Writers to Be Wary | fictigristle

  14. Karina Iwanova

    …” What Inkitt failed to realize is that I’ve been married for 20 years and I have a cat.” 😆😆 that was cool mate. Keep hustling man! I do think there is something shady with these guys.

  15. I recently received an email from Inkitt with two (positive) reviews for my book. The problem is, I don’t know how they got these — I withdrew my book from Amazon a few months ago in order to make some changes. The cover Inkitt used was a generic, and not the one I had up on Amazon. I never submitted to them so I don’t know how they got my book. A mystery, which is what my book is, btw.

  16. marty

    Well, since I will be the first to concede that nothing about Inkitt makes sense I will give it this. I have some works that should be read on other sites but for some reason only get read on Inkitt. Haven’t figured that one out yet but I use, say, total reads to measure whether or not a certain work of mine is being read. (two works that are currently on Inkitt don’t seem to appeal to readers on other sites) Since I am strictly a writer and not a reader I’m not trying to win popularity contests (I have no idea just who i reading me).

    In short, I don’t think Inkitt is that much worse than any of the other sites, it just has a different personality. I post on a variety of sites and will sometimes pull works that don’t seem to do well.

    I guess the point of all is to basically expect nothing from Inkitt and you won’t be disappointed

  17. I signed my five novels over to Inkitt. Big mistake. Within a year I was making just 5% of what I made as an indie. We finally agreed that this contract wasn’t working for either of us, and I got my rights back about a year-and-a-half ago. Since then, Inkitt continues to display my books (my name, covers, and manuscripts) on their site, despite me asking them several times not to and reminding them that they do not own the rights.

  18. Dan

    Thank you James and all. As I was looking at Inkitt’s website I did notice the broken link to the “contest” and so decided to look for a review of the outfit. Found this blog and am forever grateful for what I learned. And James, after reading your spar with Inkitt, you did succeed in proving to me that you’ve been indeed married for 20 years, and, without a doubt, have a cat! Stay safe and healthy everyone.

  19. Anonymous

    So… where would you recommend people post their original works? I was going to post there, till I saw this.


    • Hey BD,

      I went the pure indie route on my novels but I’ve heard good things about Wattpad. That said, I believe there are a few more avenues emerging but I encourage you to continue thoroughly researching those platforms, just as you found your way here because of your investigation of Inkitt. That and read their terms of service with much more scrutiny than one typically does with their iPhone terms!

      Whatever avenue you take, I wish you the best of luck!

  20. Pingback: Inkitt Login –

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